Kevin Shanahan
Kevin Shanahan joined the Advanced Analytics team of Environics Research in 1999 drawing together his academic experience in sociology, anthropology and religious studies with Environics’ long history of international social values analysis and marketing.
Formerly Assistant Professor of Sociology at Gordon College, PhD (ABD) specializing in research methods and social theory, Kevin is now a practical sociologist and expert in demographics, social values and Canadian social context. Kevin serves as theoretical, methodological and analytical resource for all our practise areas. He has worked extensively in the areas of health care, international values, environmental values studies, travel and tourism, NGOs, financial institutions satisfaction analysis, and Ontario municipalities.
As a methodologist Kevin has extensive experience in psychometrics and multivariate analyses including multiple regression, discriminate function analysis, factor and cluster analysis, network analysis and multidimensional scaling. In addition, he specializes in choice modelling (CBC, MaxDiff, Pairs Analysis, TURF) as well as BiPlot and Correspondence mapping. Kevin completes multiple segmentations per year which often include subsequent brief batteries, drivers and additional sample identification instruments.
Kevin maintains his specialized professional ties through various societies (Society for the Scientific Study of Religion) for which he has presented numerous papers relating to social values and the state of religion in Canada and the United States.