Our Climate Action Journey

Learn more about Environics Research’s climate action journey.

Our Climate Action Mission

As we work with and advise clients who want to do better, we recognize the need to commit to corporate action ourselves. We are in a strong position – with the right help and information – to make a difference and contribute to a brighter future for our planet.

Environics staff participating in a community clean-up near our Toronto office. Image Credit: Environics Research

Our Sustainability Journey

From its very founding in 1970, Environics Research has strived to maintain values which are consistent with the highest level of social responsibility – long before the point when this notion was “on trend.” This is demonstrated through the research we do, as well as through our long-held corporate value of environmental responsibility.

  • About – Quantifying Our Environmental Footprint

    At Environics Research, the first step in our sustainability journey was to quantify our environmental footprint. This was a daunting task in itself. We worked closely with Green Economy Canada (GEC) developing a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory to take into account a variety of emissions sources that contribute to our environmental impact.

Green Economy Canada

Environics Research understands the need to establish a more socially just and environmentally sustainable future, and that all organizations should do their part to advance these achievable goals. We are proud to be a founding member of the Green Economy Canada national hub. Together, we are working to tackle climate change and build sustainability into our business operations.

Logo of Green Economy Canada over an aerial view of frozen lake.

Our Sustainability Insights