Advanced Analytics

Generate deeper data insights with advance analytics techniques.

Our approach to Advanced Analytics

Our partnership with Environics Analytics

Geography, ethnography, demography, and psychology intricately shape how individuals make consumer and lifestyle choices. By leveraging insights from both Environics Research and Environics Analytics, you can integrate these approaches to gain a comprehensive, holistic understanding of your customers. This empowers you to “meet them where they live” – physically and cognitively, emotionally and psychologically. With this enriched understanding of your audiences and customers, you can better tailor messages and offerings to their distinct characteristics and priorities. The Environics Research-Environics Analytics partnership can deploy a wide range of investigative approaches, including direct observation, qualitative participant research, quantitative surveys, and secondary data linkages.  

Although we’re separate organizations with distinct strengths, Environics Research and Environics Analytics have maintained a successful partnership for over 20 years. The lead  organization in any given project is determined according to our client’s objectives as well as their existing knowledge, relationships, and research program. Environics Research and Environics Analytics collaboratively develop a plan for each project, ranging from off-the-shelf offerings to fully bespoke investigations; our proposed approach always emphasizes budget efficiency and actionable recommendations tailored to our client’s business challenges.  

When addressing the age-old marketing question, “What message should I deliver to whom, how, where, and at what time?” we must also consider “why” (i.e., why this value proposition?)—taking into account the target audience’s existing knowledge, motivations, values, and preferences. 

· Environics Research specializes in the “why,” “what” and “how” (depth) via primary research  

· Environics Analytics specializes in the “who” and “where” (reach) via secondary data mining and modeling (note, “where”=physical or virtual channels) 

Together, Environics Research and Environics Analytics help marketers develop an evidence-driven understanding of the fundamental considerations of marketing.  
· Environics Research uses primary research to help marketers identify what message to deliver, how it should be transmitted, and why the offer should resonate. 
· Environics Analytics uses secondary data mining and advanced modelling techniques to refine marketers’ understanding of whom they’re addressing and where to find them. 

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