Corporate Affairs
Our experts can support a wide range of your Corporate Affairs activities.
Our reputation research offering tells you how your organization is perceived by key stakeholders, if that is consistent with how your organization sees itself, and how to close any gaps between your desired state and external perceptions.
Environics helps organizations understand how stakeholders see the large, complex issues associated with sustainability; and how these outlooks are changing in response to domestic and international events, policy changes, economic trends and uniquely Canadian regional dynamics.
Indigenous Relations
Environics’ approach to research involving Indigenous peoples has evolved as we learned to become better partners and allies. One critical learning has been that as non-Indigenous researchers, the quality of our work rests on our ability to engage with Indigenous organizations, communities and individuals to ensure that our process and research products truly respect Indigenous voices and that Indigenous peoples benefit from the outcomes. To do this authentically, we have built longstanding partnerships with Indigenous researchers and consultancies.
Environics has decades of experience working with regulators and regulated industries. We understand the nuances and complexity of regulatory relationships and how to navigate that complexity. One of our areas of specialization is stakeholder engagement with landowners and the affected public.
Employee Engagement
Engaged employees perform better, experience less burnout and stay in organizations longer. Our approach is to identify what drives engagement among your employees and to assess your perceived performance on those metrics, ensuring your initiatives focus in the right areas. Understanding the values of your employees can lead to a deeper engagement and improved approaches to change management, enabling you to strategize for your workforce more effectively.
Effective communication is more than just delivering a message – it’s about ensuring the right people hear it, understand it and take action. Environics provides solutions in audience identification, message development, segmentation, and communications testing. Our research helps you understand advertising reach, recall, and engagement across multiple platforms to increase engagement and maximize effectiveness.
Thought Leadership
Over its 50+ years in business, Environics has accumulated a wealth of expertise and data that can inform your thought leadership efforts. Whether building on existing databases or new bespoke results, Environics is here to be your thought leadership partner and guide you to insights that will inspire your employees and stakeholders.