Energy & Environment
Today’s energy landscape is a challenging one for Canadians to navigate, both as consumers and as citizens.
Studying Perspectives on Climate Change, the Environment and Energy
Financial stress is creating resistance to the cost of the energy transition; the future of the oil and gas sector is unclear as climate related regulations are being introduced; and, all the while, the growing impacts of climate change are a constant reminder that our collective approach to energy supply and use needs to change. Environics helps organizations understand how Canadians see the large, complex issues associated with energy and the environment; and how these outlooks are changing in response to domestic and international events, policy changes, economic trends and uniquely Canadian regional dynamics.
Stakeholder Engagement
Whether the goal is stakeholder management or engaging hard-to-reach groups, Environics Research is skilled at using both traditional and state-of-the-art engagement tools to help your organization surface a representative spectrum of viewpoints. We create effective and efficient engagement experiences by combining methodological rigour with emerging tools and strategies for public participation. Our collaborative process empowers leaders to act on the evidence.
Context and Clarity on Public Opinion
The policy and regulatory environment is shifting. Extreme weather, such as fires and floods, is frequent. Sustainability appears to be the future. But how will business respond to the climate challenge? And what are the expectations of Canadians? Environics has been tracking Canadian opinion on energy and the environment since 2007. Our semi-annual study helps organizations – governments, companies, and the non-profit sector – understand how Canadians see the economy and the environment, and how their attitudes and expectations are changing as events unfold.
Landowners and the Affected Public
We have experience with survey, interview, townhall and focus group projects on behalf of government ministries, regulators, utilities, and energy corporations. The goal? To foster meaningful conversations with stakeholder groups over time, ultimately strengthening our clients’ relationships with communities.
Communications that Resonate
To communicate effectively about a policy or program, leaders need to understand not just what’s important about their message, but what’s important to their audiences. Crafting truly relevant communications requires insight into the context in which they’re received. Our Social Values framework helps organizations communicate meaningfully – about issues, policies and strategy – by understanding their audiences’ outlooks and motivations.

Featured Report
Canadian Environmental Barometer
This barometer is for decision-makers who need a holistic, big-picture view of public attitudes on climate change, the environment and energy.