ariel shot of the gta in Toronto

Housing Preference in the GTA

2024 Summary Report

BY Sarah Roberton

Housing availability and affordability are significant issues in Canada. There has been extensive debate about the causes of the housing shortage and various policy solutions proposed by different levels of government. What is clear is that building the necessary amount of new housing will take time.

One thing that seems to be missing from the discussion is housing preference. So, focusing on the GTA market, we asked: what kind of home and community do residents want to live in five to 10 years from now?

Our report finds GTA residents feeling constrained by current housing choices. The results challenge existing assumptions about preference for detached single-family homes and uncover some interesting generational differences with implications for municipal housing development plans.

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Connect with Sarah Roberton to learn more about our upcoming Housing Preference Syndicated Study


366 Adelaide Street West
Suite 101, Toronto, ON
Canada M5V 1R9
416 920 9010


116 Albert St
Suite 300, Ottawa, ON
Canada K1P 5G3
613 230 5089


421 7th Ave SW
Suite 3000, Calgary, AB
Canada T2P 4K9
403 613 5735

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