About – How It Started

Michael Adams graduated from university during a recession. With job offers for new graduates scarce, he and two co-founders, David McFadden and John McNaughton, launched a company grounded in their academic interest in studying social issues. A subsequent partnership between Michael Adams and Derek Ruston helped Environics build its strength as a business. This balance – between curious exploration and commercial success – remains central to Environics’ culture.

News – Donner Prize

Fire and Ice: The United States, Canada and the Myth of Converging Values won the 2003/2004 Donner Prize for Best Public Policy Book by a Canadian, praised as “an outstanding book that addresses a critical issue underlying many current policy arguments.” It was also selected by the Literary Review of Canada as one of the hundred most important books ever published in Canada.

Affiliations – Environics Analytics

With new modes of data collection and analysis reshaping the research landscape in Canada, Environics Research invested in the creation of Environics Analytics, complementing the latter’s “big analytics” capabilities with a rich trove of social values research. Environics Analytics remains a close collaborator of Environics Research, and has become the leading provider of solutions for evidence-driven decision making to Canadian businesses and institutions.

Affiliations – Environics Institute

The nonprofit Environics Institute for Survey Research was established by Michael Adams to promote relevant and original public opinion and social research on important issues of public policy and social change. Often initiating its own research programs and topic-specific studies, the Institute focuses on issues of public importance that might not otherwise be explored by firms or governments.

Affiliations – Canadian Research and Insights Council (CRIC)

The Canadian Research and Insights Council (CRIC) is Canada’s voice of the research, insights and analytics industry both domestically and globally. Extending a long record of collaborating to support high standards for research quality and ethics, Environics is proud to support CRIC’s efforts to protect the public interest in research. CRIC members include research agencies, companies that rely on insights, and other industry partners.

Affiliations – IRIS Global Network

The IRIS Global Network is one of the world’s largest of networks of independently owned research institutes. By joining this collaboration, which involves (37) IRIS offices around the world, Environics Research enhanced our ability to efficiently support clients in major global research initiatives, offering insight into international markets and their consumers, businesses and societies.