Public Sector

Broad participation in public sector decision-making is more important than ever

Empowering Leaders through Inclusive Public Participation

Public attitudes have changed; communities expect opportunities to weigh in on decisions that affect their lives. At the same time, busy lives and competing demands for attention have made the public less willing to participate in traditional forms of research and consultation. Building a complete understanding of public, client or stakeholder attitudes requires innovative, multi-tiered approaches that reach a wide range of participants and surface a truly representative spectrum of viewpoints.

Establishing The Drivers Of Client Satisfaction

Measuring client satisfaction is only useful if we also understand the factors that shape it; to increase satisfaction, we need to know what to change. We work with organizations at all levels of government to uncover what matters to the public and/or their employees. This insight sheds light on reported satisfaction levels, and helps leaders anticipate how citizens or employees will respond to new initiatives, service improvements or policy changes. We do more than gather and report data. We build collaborative, consultative partnerships with public sector clients – working together to craft tailored approaches to their unique audience. This approach helps us ask the right questions and gather meaningful feedback. Decision-makers emerge from the process ready to make sound choices and move forward with confidence.

Stakeholder Engagement

When it comes to engaging directly with your key stakeholders, Environics is skilled at using both traditional and state-of-the-art tools to help clients surface a representative spectrum of viewpoints. We create effective and efficient engagement experiences by combining methodological rigour with emerging tools and strategies for broad stakeholder participation. We also take seriously the responsibility of representing our clients through our work, which has the potential for residual impacts on relationships and conversations already underway. Our collaborative process empowers leaders to act on the evidence.

Informing Communications That Resonate

To communicate effectively about a policy or program, leaders need to understand not just what’s important about their message, but what’s important to their audiences. Crafting truly relevant communications requires insight into the context in which they’re received. Our Social Values framework helps organizations communicate meaningfully – about issues, policies and strategy – by understanding their audiences’ outlooks and motivations.

Public Consultation

Build buy-in for decisions by bringing those most impacted closer to the decision-making process. Our team leverages traditional engagement tools, as well as emerging virtual and online approaches to create consultation activities that are as welcoming as they are meaningful. We also have effective techniques for connecting with stakeholders who may be difficult to reach or engage. Get the feedback you need to make public-facing decisions with evidence and with confidence.

Featured Report

COVID-19 Public Trust and Readiness Barometer

A guide to safely navigating the late COVID-19 economy.

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Our Experts

Tony Coulson

Tony Coulson

Group VP – Corporate & Public Affairs

Sarah Roberton

Sarah Roberton

Senior VP – Corporate & Public Affairs

Derek Leebosh

VP – Corporate & Public Affairs

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Environmental Barometer

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