Virginia Connell


Virginia manages studies and delivers actionable insights for clients’ research needs in the both the investor/consumer and financial advisor verticals using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Virginia has a decade of experience working in market research covering areas including customer and retail experience, digital experience evaluation and process improvement initiatives.
Virginia graduated with distinction from the University of Guelph’s Bachelor of Commerce program and Georgian College’s Research Analyst postgraduate program. Virginia also holds a Certified Analytics and Insights Professional (CAIP) industry designation from the Canadian Research Industry Council.


366 Adelaide Street West
Suite 101, Toronto, ON
Canada M5V 1R9
416 920 9010


135 Laurier Ave W.
Ottawa, ON
Canada K1P 5J2
613 230 5089


421 7th Ave SW
Suite 3000, Calgary, AB
Canada T2P 4K9
403 613 5735

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