Payments and Credit

Tracking customer trends and providing insights into key market segments

Payments and Credit

Tracking customer trends and providing insights into key market segments

Canadians are changing the way they manage their spending, making increasing use of mobile payment tools and other financial technology.

The COVID-19 pandemic, which has accelerated a range of digital commerce trends, has caused many consumers to reconsider their financial habits and try out new practices. Environics works with clients who offer payment solutions, credit, loans and mortgages – helping them gain business advantage by understanding consumer trends and motivations, and gaining insight into key market segments.

Understanding Consumer Mindsets and Motivations

Canadians have a reputation for being risk-averse, cautious adopters. This is especially true when it comes to financial products and services. But Canadians are diverse in their thinking and behaviour – with some who are early adopters and some who are more reluctant to change their habits. Drawing on our proprietary Social Values-based segmentation, we help clients understand the human motivations that set the context for consumer choices. We help you target new offerings to your most promising segments, and craft brand positioning strategies with an awareness of consumers’ highest priorities and deepest motivations.

Mapping Customer Journeys

Many aspects of financial life have changed in the last two decades – from how people monitor their investments, to how they research mortgages. We work with lenders to map the entire customer journey – surfacing the goals, challenges, emotions and pain points consumers experience at every stage of the process, whether they’re taking on a new credit card or seeking a mortgage. Next, we help to inform contextually appropriate messaging – and identify channels for delivering it – so you can win market share, deepen relationships and build loyalty.

Crafting Communications That Resonate

The best communications cut through the noise by speaking directly to the things your customers care most about. We use Social Values insights to help you link your brand and offerings to the concepts and priorities that matter to your customers – from security, to status, to legacy. By combining our Social Values-based analysis with competitive audits, product concept testing, creative workshops and other practices, we help to shape marketing and communications programs that connect with priority audiences, and set your products, services and brand apart.

How can we help your organization?

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Find out how our Payments and Credit Team can help your organization.


366 Adelaide Street West
Suite 101, Toronto, ON
Canada M5V 1R9
416 920 9010


135 Laurier Ave W.
Ottawa, ON
Canada K1P 5J2
613 230 5089


421 7th Ave SW
Suite 3000, Calgary, AB
Canada T2P 4K9
403 613 5735