Accredited Financial Practitioner helping client

Applying Decision-Making Mindsets and Motivations (DM3’s) for Accredited Financial Professionals

Financial Fitness & Environics Research

BY David MacDonald & Susan Seto
WITH William Moores, Canadian and Ontario Association of Credit Counselling Services

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A guide to help Accredited Financial Practitioners meet the needs and expectations of Canadian consumers

In our current environment, it’s more important than ever for credit counsellors to understand not only the social values that shape their clients’ overall worldviews, but the behavioural economics factors that drive in-the-moment decisions. New insights from Environics Research can help counsellors understand clients’ biases and blind-spots, making them more effective in nudging clients to make sound decisions that will get them back on track.

In support of these goals, we have applied these two analytical frameworks – social values and decision-making mindsets and motivations, inspired by the field of behavioural economics – to an existing segmentation of the Canadian population that’s grounded in their financial attitudes and behaviours: the Financial Fitness Index (FFI).

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