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PatientConnect – Social Values Segmentation

Understanding what Social Values drive decision making for healthcare patients

Creating a good customer experience means knowing what drives them and understanding why they do the things that they do. PatientConnect was developed to illuminate the values and perspectives of individuals, specifically as these factors relate to health.

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Woman at hospital - Report cover image

Key Take-Aways

By offering a richer understanding of healthcare users’ outlooks, PatientConnect can help healthcare leaders:

  • Craft better health programs – Using insights about patients’ preferences and priorities to support patients in making healthy choices.
  • Improve healthcare communications – Creating messages that resonate with audiences’ existing understanding and priorities.
  • Provide improved support to members of equity-deserving groups – Using an evidence-based framework to combat harms that may be associated with biases or unfounded assumptions.
  • Increase compliance with treatment recommendations – Building trust by demonstrating a non-judgmental understanding of how patients may be relating to, for example, a physician as an authority figure.
  • Operate and communicate in more patient-centric ways – Putting patients’ values and perspectives at the heart of interactions.

For more information contact: Vijay Wadhawan, Vice President, Health & Wellness at


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