Phase 2: Canadian Academy of Health Sciences FASD Assessment – Discussion Groups

Thank you for your interest. Please read below for how to participate in an online discussion about FASD.

The Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS) is looking at research to help people with FASD and prevent FASD. CAHS would like to hear feedback on what they have found so far.

CAHS wants to hear from:

  • people living with FASD
  • their family members
  • professionals who work with people with FASD

If you are in any of these groups, you are invited to join an online discussion happening in May. You will be asked questions about FASD, and you can answer these by typing or recording yourself speaking.



​​Click participate to ask to join the discussions. We will ask you for some basic information to make sure you can join. We will also make sure it’s okay to contact you.

If you are chosen to join:

  • Someone from Environics Research will reach out to you. Environics Research is helping CAHS with this work.
  • You can join the online discussion boards when they open. This will happen in May.

Numbers are limited, so not everyone will be chosen to participate, but we appreciate your interest.


What you will get for participating:

Everyone who qualifies and participates will get $100, delivered through e-Transfer 1-2 weeks after the discussions are finished. To get this e-Transfer, you will need to give your contact details, like your email address.




Study Overview:

This activity is being conducted on behalf of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS). CAHS has been asked by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) to do an assessment on FASD. This assessment will provide the government with findings that will help Canada know how to prevent FASD and help people affected by FASD.

Over the past few months, the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS) has been doing an assessment of FASD in Canada by looking at research on FASD and talking to people in the community. CAHS has some early findings about FASD in Canada and would like to hear input on these, like whether the findings are on the right track and would be helpful to people affected by FASD.

The purpose of these online discussions is to hear directly from people living with FASD, their family members, and those who work with them. Hearing about these groups’ needs will help make sure the findings reflect their experiences when CAHS shares this information with government and policy makers. You can help by participating in these online discussions.

For more information about CAHS assessments, please visit the CAHS website.




All information collected, used and/or disclosed will be used for the purposes of this study only and administered as per the requirements of the Privacy Act. Environics upholds the highest standards of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and adheres to privacy standards set out by the Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC), as well as ESOMAR, the global association for the data and insights industry.

This study has been registered with the Canadian Research Insights Council’s Research Verification Service so that you may validate its authenticity. If you would like to enquire about the details of this research, you can visit CRIC’s website If you choose to verify the authenticity of this research you can reference project code 20240102-EN468.

If you have any questions about the study, please contact Environics Research at: 




Environics Research is a Canadian market research company, founded in 1970, and headquartered in Toronto. Our goal is to allow Canadians to share their voices on issues that matter to them.


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