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Organigram has released the results of an Environics Research study that examined Canadian parents’ concerns regarding the legalization of recreational cannabis. This study explored a wide range of concerns and revealed that:

  • A majority of Canadian parents (60%) are concerned about cannabis legalization.
  • More than half of the parents surveyed (54%) feel there is currently not enough information available to youth about the risks associated with cannabis use.
  • Nearly half of parents (46%) with children aged four and up have already discussed cannabis legalization with their children, though only one-quarter (26%) of that group have discussed this in detail. One in ten (9%) do not plan on discussing legalization with their children.
  • One-third of parents (35%) feel “very confident” they could recognize signs of cannabis use in their child.
  • Two-thirds of parents (67%) are most trusting of physicians or other health care professionals when it comes to information to help parents educate children about cannabis and its appropriate use.
  • Canadian parents feel it is important to have information on topics relating to: the perception that cannabis use leads to the use of “harder” drugs (84%); the comparative effects of different forms of cannabis (e.g., edibles compared to smoking cannabis) (88%); and the likelihood of cannabis use leading to tobacco use (74%).
Along with a full report, an infographic was produced to summarize the study results.
Study Methodology

Environics Research conducted an online survey of 1,005 Canadian parents with children under the age of 18 who live in their home at least part of the time. Quotas were in place to ensure representation by province, gender and by age of child. The survey was in field from June 26 to July 9, 2018.


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