Tony Coulson
Group VP – Corporate & Public Affairs
Tony Coulson works on policy and communications research with clients at the international, national, provincial and local levels. This includes issue and communications studies ranging from assessing public knowledge, attitudes and (reported) behaviors on a given topic through to audience segmentation, message development, and communications testing. Much of this work is undertaken in support of efforts to raise public awareness or manage organizational reputations.
Tony has graduate degrees in political science and business administration along with thirty years of experience in policy, research and communications.
366 Adelaide Street West
Suite 101, Toronto, ON
Canada M5V 1R9
416 920 9010
135 Laurier Ave W.
Ottawa, ON
Canada K1P 5J2
613 230 5089
421 7th Ave SW
Suite 3000, Calgary, AB
Canada T2P 4K9
403 613 5735