Victoria Sicilia

Director, Consultation & Engagement

Victoria is a Senior Research Associate based in Toronto. She has a keen sense of understanding client needs and recommending approaches unique to each project. Victoria’s Master’s and PhD fieldwork were based in Kerala, India; as such, she has over 6 years of experience working with underserved groups and understanding the intricacies of power dynamics and historical settler-colonial relationships in research processes. Victoria designs projects for public, private, and non-for-profit sector clients, specializing in sensitive issues and inclusive consultation and engagement, strategic planning and collaborative research. She is both an experienced moderator and interviewer with notable experience working with equity seeking communities.


366 Adelaide Street West
Suite 101, Toronto, ON
Canada M5V 1R9
416 920 9010


135 Laurier Ave W.
Ottawa, ON
Canada K1P 5J2
613 230 5089


421 7th Ave SW
Suite 3000, Calgary, AB
Canada T2P 4K9
403 613 5735

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