Durham weighs in on the qualities sought in the Region’s next Chief of Police

Environics Research, on behalf of the Durham Regional Police Services Board, conducted a public consultation to inform the process for appointing the Region’s Next Chief of Police.

The consultation provided opportunities for stakeholders across the Region to provide input on the topic of the qualities, competencies and leadership characteristics decision-makers should prioritize when searching for the next Chief of Police.

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Report cover image for Durhams Next Chief of Police

Key Takeaways

The final report outlines what we heard from stakeholders and synthesizes their priorities into four key attributes. Durham Region residents want a new Chief of Police who can demonstrate:

  1. Courageous, Transformative Leadership
  2. Emotional Intelligence
  3. Commitment to Positive Community Engagement
  4. Deep and Varied Policing Experience

The report describes why these characteristics were important to stakeholders and how they expect candidates to demonstrate these qualities during the ensuing recruitment and vetting phase of the search.

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