CIBC Mellon Industry Perspectives – Investor Advisor Research with Environics

Featuring Robert Stel


Our very own Robert Stel, Vice President, Financial Services was recently featured on an episode of CIBC Mellon Industry Perspectives alongside, Joe Lacopo, Vice President, Relationship Management, and Amanda Coones, Vice President, Investor and Plan Member Services at CIBC Mellon.

The discussion explores our annual study of the behaviours, preferences and expectations of more than 2,000 independent investment advisors. It also highlights Robert work with leading financial companies to build valuable insights for their brands.

Click on the link below to listen:


CIBC Melton Promotional poster of podcast episode - includes headshots of  Robert Stel, Vice President, Financial Services, Joe Lacopo, Vice President, Relationship Management, and Amanda Coones, Vice President, Investor and Plan Member Services at CIBC Mellon.

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