Focus GTA

Comprehensive Municipal and Regional Insights

Focus GTA

Comprehensive Municipal and Regional Insights

Comprehensive Municipal Insights

Focus GTA is a syndicated study by Environics Research that we conduct every Fall and Spring in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The study focuses on various aspects of resident satisfaction, including service delivery, perceptions of quality of life and obtaining value for taxes.  The study is a great way to take a pulse in the GTA and see how residents are feeling about where they live. Each wave of Focus GTA tracks key metrics including perspectives on municipal services, satisfaction with regional and municipal governments, and most important local issues. The report and questions can be totally customizable to special topics that pertain to your municipality or region. The study also looks at trends in the GTA to gauge what’s on people’s minds, which we call Special Topics. Recent special topics have included perspectives on housing affordability, crime and safety, diversity and inclusion as well as feelings of community pride.

Learn more about subscribing to the next wave of Focus GTA

A Must-Have for Decision Makers

Focus GTA is an essential tool for decision-makers who need to understand the attitudes and priorities of Greater Toronto Area residents. The survey, which has existed for more than 40 years, provides community-level insights, regional and municipal benchmarks, and public opinion trends over the past decade regarding a wide range of relevant topics, including:

  • Top local issue
  • Satisfaction with governance
  • Perceptions of service delivery
  • Value for tax dollars
  • Quality of life
  • Seniors’ issues
  • Transportation
  • Housing and affordability
  • Crime and public safety

A Must-Have for Decision Makers

Focus GTA is an essential tool for decision-makers who need to understand the attitudes and priorities of Greater Toronto Area residents. The survey, which has existed for more than 40 years, provides community-level insights, regional and municipal benchmarks, and public opinion trends over the past decade regarding a wide range of relevant topics, including:

  • Top local issue
  • Satisfaction with governance
  • Perceptions of service delivery
  • Value for tax dollars
  • Quality of life
  • Seniors’ issues
  • Transportation
  • Housing and affordability
  • Crime and public safety

Reliable Results

Focus GTA is an online study with GTA residents that includes tracking data from previous waves where applicable. Results are based on a non-probability sample of approximately N1,000 GTA residents. Environics sets quotas for age, gender, income, and region, and focuses on ensuring the sample sufficiently includes residents from underserved groups, such as newcomers. Clients can request specific oversampling of their region, or certain populations, to gather deeper insights about their residents.


Concise Reporting

A subscription can be purchased for a single wave or biannually, and includes:

  • Detailed reporting
  • Trending over the past decade
  • Regional comparisons
  • An infographic of study data for quick reference
  • Data tables with significance testing

Unique to Our System

The survey includes a special oversampling of underserved and minority groups in order to provide deep insights for Regional and Municipal decision makers as they develop policies and plans that impact their residents. The key benefit of this oversampling is that it highlights a diversity of voices and provides a more comprehensive understanding of the full range of resident experiences and perspectives.


Customizable Insights

In addition to accessing these shared insights, subscribers can choose to ask proprietary questions to their individual constituencies. Results from these questions are the exclusive property of subscribers. Subscribers can also choose to boost the number of interviews in specific municipalities or regions, allowing for more robust comparisons.

Browse some of our recent Public Consultation insights below


366 Adelaide Street West
Suite 101, Toronto, ON
Canada M5V 1R9
416 920 9010


135 Laurier Ave W.
Ottawa, ON
Canada K1P 5J2
613 230 5089


421 7th Ave SW
Suite 3000, Calgary, AB
Canada T2P 4K9
403 613 5735