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The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) has released its report on the results of a survey conducted by Environics Research, Taking the pulse: People’s opinions on human rights in Ontario. This report examined the results of a public opinion survey of 1,501 people aged 18 and older.

Two-thirds of respondents thought that discrimination was at least somewhat of problem in Ontario

Under its legislated functions, the OHRC is to report on the state of human rights in Ontario. Taking the pulse gauges human rights awareness, peoples’ attitudes about groups protected under the Human Rights Code, and experiences of discrimination.

Two-thirds (66%) of respondents thought that discrimination was at least somewhat of problem in Ontario. Other themes included:

  • Discrimination based on race, Indigenous ancestry and poverty is of particular concern.
  • Negative stereotypes persist about transgender people, refugees, Muslim and Arab people, other racialized groups, Indigenous peoples, homeless people and people in receipt of social assistance.
  • There is broad support for further accommodating the needs of people with mental health disabilities and addictions, caregivers, transgender students and people with diverse religions.
  • Discrimination remains grossly underreported.
  • Education is vital to advancing human rights.

“It’s important to understand the perspectives of people we don’t always encounter in our day-to-day work,” said Chief Commissioner Renu Mandhane. “This information will allow the Ontario Human Rights Commission, government and the community to more effectively advance public understanding of human rights.”

Media contact:
Vanessa Tamburro
Senior Communications Advisor (Acting)
Ontario Human Rights Commission
416 314 4528 |

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