Next Stop: Data-Driven Customer Service! – MRIA2016


Any brand’s growth is dependent on its ability to adapt to changing customer needs. As new business challenges emerged for the Toronto Transit Commission, so too did their need to understand the nuances of the customer experience in ways that traditional market research methodologies could not measure efficiently. To meet this challenge, the TTC and Environics Research have adopted a series of innovative methodologies that solve real business problems. We have leveraged a range of new technologies – from social and mobile to video and geo-fencing – to speak to the right customers and uncover the data needed keep public transit moving and TTC customers satisfied.

We have leveraged a range of new technologies to speak to the right customers and uncover the data needed keep public transit moving and TTC customers satisfied

This new philosophy has paid dividends for the TTC as they seek to change perceptions of the service they provide. The ability to capture in-the-moment reactions to new service vehicles or hyper target customers who ride routes where new service standards are being piloted, provides the TTC with actionable feedback on audiences that we’re not otherwise able to reach. Thanks to a new-found agility, the TTC now has a better read on the issues that matter most to their customers and input as to whether the changes we’re making are impacting their daily experience.

The above presentation was given by Environics Research VP of Digital Innovations and Data Management, John Crockett and TTC Research Manager, Viktoriya Artemyeva at the 2016 MRIA conference in Montreal on June 3, 2016.

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